Payment is declined. Please, make sure if the written card details are correct, check the internet limit on your payment card and try again. In addition you can contact your Bank for details or try to make payment using another card. This also applies to payment cards connected to Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Please check some of the reasons your payment may have been declined:
An incorrect card number was entered, or the card is in an invalid state
You entered an invalid CVV code. Please make sure the parameters are entered correctly and try again
Unable to execute 3D Secure transaction, or you entered incorrect 3D Secure confirmation code
Insufficient funds on the card
The limit of card transactions has been exceeded – the card may not be open for online payments
The card is expired or the expiration date is incorrect
The time for the payment has expired, please try to pay again
Refusal of your Bank to carry out the operation. Please contact your Bank or use another card
If you are sure that none of the above reasons apply to your payment, and you see a problem from my payment service, please feel free to Сontact me.